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movie fell apart in three places when I ran it off but the editing and titles added much to it. A couple of things I notice so far in my movies:

a) Can improve them by making the shots a little longer - say 10 to 12 seconds instead of 7 to 8. Too short leave a feeling of frustration.

b.) Get a little action into each shot if possible. For example, the shot of the people riding along the bridle path among the autumn colors was perhaps the best of them all.

I think this amateur movie making has great possibilities as a hobby. I need a projector next and then a good splicer and a titler. Once the equipment is bought, the actual movie making should not prove particularly expensive and it provides a satisfaction that comes only with pursuits which involve producing something oneself. I am quite pepped up about it. What could be better than a record of life and beauty - the children, places we go, friends home.

Erie, Pa.
Saturday, Oct. 22, '38.
A lovely day, warm as summer. The children went for a hayride around White Swan farm and a picnic afterwards. Roger came home with more material for his art work which he is pursuing avidly now, making large portfolios of drawings and presenting them to each member of the family. He draws cows with large udders located properly and drew a pig today with an udder resembling a cow's. I inquired what that was and he explained that was what the "baby pigs suck on."

Today we substituted the day bed for Roger's bed and he was so proud of having at last a bed without sides, one he could "run and really jump into."

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