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that he could scarcely contain himself. Tonight he came up to bed without being asked to, he was anxious to use this new acquisition for the first time. I sweated plenty cutting the pipe ends off it with a hacksaw this afternoon, so it would have the proper modern touch.

Went to the MacDonalds for bridge tonight, and talked considerably about the housing problem. They have considered building, buying, etc. but have never yet quite screwed up the courage to take the step. I should dearly love a place of our own, like we want it, but I cannot see any wisdom in attempting it on a shoestring, possibly losing all we had put in due to some unforseen bad break. If Irene would buy Willie's share of the Fourth St. property for say $4000 or 5000, we could then consider it but not otherwise, and Willie hesitates to broach it to her.

Maybelle has at last got her money that has been in trust, and is ready to cut loose. Her first move is going to be a trip to Texas in a week or so, thence to Florida. The excuse for going to Texas is to look after her sister's youngster while she's away for a week - quite a reason for a trip to Texas from Erie. In Florida, she's going to visit her uncle. There is discussion rife as to present relations (if any) with the banker. I wonder if now that Maybelle is more independent, she will make a break with Walter. It seems a situation where such a thing might happen. If it does, I feel mighty sorry for Walt as he is crazy about her in spite of his peculiarities. And lately, he has seemed far more normal than ever before.

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