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Tonight we attended the long anticipated Halloween Party at the Scarboroughs, but Maybelle was absent, having left for Texas early in the week because her sister fell and they fear, fractured her spine. However, Walt went ahead with the party and it was a lulu with ping-pong, darts, bridge, pin-ball game, beer, hard liquor, dizzy costumes, etc. Walt took "stills" and I, colored movies of everyone and they should be good. Barbara Reed drank about 5 highballs and was pretty well lushed up; it was comical to see her trying to play ping-pong three sheets in the wind and dressed as an Hawaiian hula dancer, grass skirt and all. As usual Harriet Collins took my eye as the cutest one there, dressed as a little girl (and Bill Collins as a little boy in short pants!) Willie also went as a little girl and my costume consisted of battered felt hat, dress suit coat, polo shirt, tennis shorts and hunting shoes. I started on three cans of beer and then seeing some others a bit higher than I, I shifted to Scotch and soda. When that ran out I shifted again to blended whiskey and ginger ale, so when I left, a was beginning to be a little woozy eyed myself although able to drive home okay. It would have been more prudent to stick to beer. Walter threw the whole thing in his basement and it went off 100%.

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Oct. 29, '38.
Spent all day getting the basement ready for our Halloween party for the children tonight. This morning I had a hangover that wasn't too pleasant but by night felt pretty normal again. Cleaned the cellar and when Willie got it fixed up it looked so well I thought we ought to leave it that way, get a 

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