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Am negotiating with Richardson for a new Filmo 8 projector 15% off. Think we'll get it for X-mas. Got some photofloods today too for a new Kodaflector for indoor movies, to finish the roll I started at the Halloween party at Scarboroughs.

The kids had a big time out Halloweening tonight Roger with Boyd Burt and his dad, and Bab with Dorothy Jean and some others. Rog and Boyd are almost as inseparable as Roy and Harold were.
Mother told me she had had a talk with Willie about her staying till New Years and Willie was "really lovely" about it so I feel much better about it.

Erie, Pa.
Tuesday, Nov. 1, '38
I guess all the Halloween excitement was too much for Rog. He was yelling "Boyd" in his sleep last night and finally got up, came into our room, then went into the bathroom and lay down on the rug. I picked him up and put him back into bed and this morning he didn't remember any of it. This noon he came home from school coughing so Willie put him to bed and tonight he had picked up so much, he was raising the devil again, giggling and hard to hold down. So I guess he hasn't much wrong with him after all.

Walter Hedley phoned Maurice today about my going to Boston and Maurice spiked it - said I was needed too much on the "little devils" and was going south soon. Later Maurice told me, what was the use of helping those fellows - Electro-Motive would get it all anyhow. Maurice won't turn a hand to help Alco; since the "deal", he has been violently opposed to them. That, I believe is the real reason for his refusal. He says Rudy will have to do it - Alco is his job.

Rudy's in a mess on the Piedmont & Northern.

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