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Felt awfully nervous this evening and took some pictures of the children with the Kodaflector which didn't go off so well - the light hurt their eyes, they squinted, put their hands up to their eyes, etc.  So about eight I took the bull by the horns and announced I was going to the movies and I went, alone, and saw "Suez."  Afterward, I stopped in the City Club for a bottle of Piel's and went home.  I just felt like being alone this evening.  One comforting thing was that the City Club held little attraction - it was easy to get up and leave after one bottle.  Seeing Paul there after his usual summer at the Kahkwa Club, made me think it was just a year ago that we were in the midst of the New Haven design and spent so many hours in there, and old Jim Bracken was with us.  Even then, the cancer was eating at his vitals and none of us knew it, although I often wondered if he had one when his weight began falling off so badly.

Erie, Pa.
Saturday, Nov. 5, '38.
Today was consumed largely by nursing Bab who was laid up while Rog was outdoors again.  Poor Boots coughed almost continuously all day, but once she went to sleep this evening, she stopped and was apparently off to a good night's sleep.
I plotted up "Miss Test Man" today and believe it is all right.  Now am going ahead with some others in the "series" to send to Uzzell.
Read my old diary of first Erie days this evening and found it very engrossing.  The thing about it that struck me so forcibly was the names of the men and women and companions of those days and what has happened to them in the meantime - Lottridges, Stevens, Kosses, Duttons, Housden, Henshaw, Walsh, Elliott, Mozdy, Sterrett, Mertens, Emerson, Case, Webb, Ken Walker, Luthers, etc.