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Getting no satisfaction from Jake on operating costs on the "doodle bugs" and their competition, I dug in on my own today and things began to take better shape in my mind than ever before on that phase of it.  Gradually I'm getting the drift of the small diesel-electric game we're launching into and feel when the time comes to go out on the job of selling them, I'll be able to accomplish something.  I have never known it to fail that when I dug into a problem or a subject earnestly, I did not find something worthwhile as well as great satisfaction to myself.

When I got up this morning it was nearly 70° outside.  When I left for the office, it was 54° and in the middle of the day it snowed.  When I got home this evening, it was about 34° and the furnace was not only going out, but one of the grates was out of its bearings so I had to dump everything in the furnace, fix the grate, and build a new fire.  Looks like, after many balmy Indian Summer days, winter is just around the corner.  Yesterday it was 76°!  Today snow!

Mother tells me Mrs. Dutton informed her Lenore was in love with me back in '26 - I could have had her for the asking.  Apparently I was more attractive to women than I ever suspected.  Here with them ready to fall right and left, I never have had so much as one "affair" with one in all my career.  I sometimes wonder if I missed anything or if I am better off for not having participated.  I sometimes think that I missed something - a thrill perhaps it may be called - that most men enjoy in their pre-marriage days.  Maybe I was too straight-laced;  I wonder.  I guess it all depends on many circumstances.  Apparently, I was successful in nearly breaking one girl's heart if nothing else.