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Erie, Pa.
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1938.
Republicans jubilating today as their victory yesterday becomes more sweeping with a possible 80 seats gained in the House against their bogie of 50.

Spent most of the day on the "doodle bugs".  I find Perk a remarkably satisfactory person to talk to about these things - the exact opposite of Jake who simply wont loosen up with anything he knows.  You can discuss it with Perk and really get something out of it.  I have been seeing more of Perk lately.  We go to Lommer's to lunch together frequently.  As Perk gets older he seems to get easier to get along with.  At one time, he used to irritate me greatly on occasion.  But recently, I find I enjoy his company and get a lot out of it.  He is rather pessimistic at times - his problems and mine are similar - how to get anywhere with the GE, what alternatives we have, etc. etc. but also he has a keen sense of humor and in his jollier moods he is excellent entertainment.  And he is very intelligent and well informed and broad with many interests.  I think he's all right.

Had a sick headache about all day as I expected after spending last evening at home where Baldwin's man yesterday finally painted the kitchen, bathroom and worn spots in the floors.  I can't stand paint.  Tonight, the ping-pong table having arrived, Willie and I painted that to boot so tomorrow I may be a wreck again.

Am going to buy the Bell & Howell 8 mm. projector and a screen immediately.  We need it and I have plenty of cash on hand so I'm going to get it.  I know I'm blowing considerable money lately but why not get some things that will give us some pleasure and diversions this winter?