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Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Nov. 12, 1938.
Did so reminiscing with Perk yesterday about test days, people, etc. and Perk remarked there was a lot of opposition to my coming into the Department back in 1926 when Anderson was backing me.  It was odd to have it come up in view of my review of my diary for this period the other day.  And from what Perk said, I gathered it was Harnden who really was spiking me then.  I remember the bawling out Harnden gave me when I quit [[?Steenstrup]] to go on test although Pfief had told me when I was hired that if I didn't like the Factory Management Course I could go on test.  I believe Harnden was the real cause of my trouble, working on Anderson, who didn't know me.  Otherwise, why wouldn't he have taken the word of Tirtle and Webb?

Did a lot on the cellar today to make our "game room" and really did wonders with it.  I regret now, we didn't do something like this a long time ago.  Would have it done now had it not been for the ping-pong table arriving with two broken legs.  Have ordered my Bell & Howell 8mm. projector and screen and next week, we should be all set for a party like the one Walt Scarborough threw recently.

We went to the Playhouse tonight with Rosalind and Walt Harris and Walt Scarborough.  The play was a comedy, "Penny Wise", about the "affairs" of an unfaithful playwright husband.  And I couldn't help thinking, here was Walt Scarborough on the other side of a similar situation, with Maybelle supposedly having some kind of an affair with the banker.  Does Walt know?  Maybelle is still in Texas and Walt says she may be there till spring.  Everyone wonders if she is going to leave him or what?