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Regardless, Walter seems in a better mood than for a long time;  it may be put on but it looks genuine.  Personally I like Walt;  I think he has a lot on the ball.  I like Maybelle too, I don't know what all the trouble is really about.  But apparently there is serious trouble.  How it will turn out nobody knows.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Nov. 13, 1938.
Had a sort of colorless day, at least so it seems as I think back over it.  Fussed around the cellar this morning, rearranging the "game room" and figuring on how to improve it with a few good ideas.  "I got a idea!" as Rog says.  Rog is building a "home" in the backyard with Boyd Burt.  Orange crates are the chief source of material and he is commandeering them right and left with contracts at Karis, Kahkwa Grocery, A. & P. and any others he can line up.  It resembles Frank Lloyd Wright's cabin in the desert on youthful lines.  We discouraged his building a second floor with difficulty.  But is he [[underlined]] busy [[/underlined]] at it!  And he asks almost no help;  just barges away and for a six year old, gets very surprisingly good results.  Today he built a "loom" to weave on because Bab refused to let him use hers - made it out of kindling wood and nails for the pegs, and started a job on it - very independent.  It is is a [[?]] to watch his projects.

Willie and the children and I went to see "When With Wings", Wild Bill Wellman's "Cavalcade of Aviation", this afternoon, a beautifully filmed saga of aviation from the Wright brothers to the present and in color.  Rog got a great kick out of it - knew all the different kinds of planes.  Bab enjoyed it but not as much as "the man" I believe.

Spent the evening on my plots of Peggy Watts, the girl engineer, and have three done that look like possibilities.