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batteries too, a sign people are planning to run their old cars longer.  This is a poor sign for the automakers but good business for ESB.  There's always a silver lining for someone.

Perk and I are making an honest effort to get something on costs on the "doodle-bugs" and their competitors, gas and diesel-mechanical.  And Jake is our only real source of supply.  But do you think you can get anything out of Jake?  He acts as though we were trying to hone in on his province and not only were interlopers but also damned dumb ones besides.  Jake is the cagiest individual this way I ever say.  You can't get a satisfactory answer out of him.  Perk and I both wonder how he makes out with his customers.  If he won't explain any more to them than he will in the office, I don't see how he gets by with most of them.  Jake is a wild man, a free lance, an independent if ever there was one.  And he is a very hard man to work [[underlined]] with. [[/underlined]]

Felix Konn showed me my name in some German magazine he had today - reference to my G.E. Review article last year on diesel's in switching service.  It did look odd mixed up with a lot of German.
And the Germans are now going so far with their persecution of the Jews that we are apparently considering breaking off relations with them as did Brazil.  Ambassador Gibson was called back to Washington today and rumor has it he will not return.  The really civilized, clear thinking people are utterly disgusted with the barbarous, unreasonable, unscrupulous treatment the Jews are getting.  There is nothing in modern civilization to compare with it.