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a need I have for some time felt.  I have been worrying a lot lately about her not learning dancing and this really tickles me considerably.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, Nov. 18, '38.
Andrews here again today and making his headquarters in Maurice's office.  Overheard an interesting conversation.  Andy called Magnus, V.P. of Busch-Sulzer, in a Washington Hotel.  To start with Andy had quite a time getting Magnus to appreciate who was calling.  Then Andy went on with what to me was an odd recommendation - that he had met a man in Cleveland who "had a diesel engine" and he thought it would pay Magnus to talk it over with him because it looked "pretty good" to H.L.  The man wanted to "associate himself" with some builder or "get rid of" his engine.  I gathered Magnus asked numerous questions as a result of this vague recommendation and finally asked what Andy's initials are and his address.  To which Andy finally asked, "My God, have you forgotten me so soon?"  It sounded as though H.L.'s pride was a trifle ruffled that Magnus should have failed to recall him complete to address and initials.

Went to Downies' this evening for a bridge session.  I had noticed that Bob Walsh hadn't been around the office for a week or so and had assumed he was away on business.  Then I heard he was sick and assumed he had the usual cold probably.  Tonight, according to John, he has gone to Texas and won't be back all winter.  And while John didn't know, it looks as though he well may have developed lung trouble.  It seems he went to Cleveland recently to the Clinic, and straightaway left for Texas without even coming into the office again.  So that question recently about the winter climate in Vermont may well have been for Bob and