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Erie, Pa.
Sunday, Nov 20, 1938.
Today another quiet one. We didn't go for a drive in the afternoon because the Colonel was expected. He arrived about 6:30PM, driving all the way up from Louisville today. I thought when I first saw him he looked older, sort of stooped over, but I guess it was the long drive and the clothes he had on. After some supper and a rest he looked about the same as ever. We sat around and chatted all evening and retired fairly early as he was tired.

Erie, Pa.
Monday, Nov 21, '38.
Off to the plant again. Although we're supposed to have every other Monday off, I haven't taken one in months it seems. I asked A.J. about Bob Walsh and he said very frankly that Bob had TB and was now in Texas; would be away for a year anyhow the way it looks. So Bob is really in trouble. He had a [[hemorrhage?]] again, went to the clinic in Cleveland and they advised him to go away at once. Bob has certainly had a tough time since he came to America - it has been no promised land for him. His whole stay here has been an apparent dream climaxing in tragedy. 

Basil Cain, another Englishman who came here and married a girl of well-to-do family, has had the kind of career Bob promised to have. Now Asst. Engineer of the Locomotive Div., he is in Florida for a three weeks vacation after what H.L. Andrews considers a gruelling session in the Union Pacific. He told Maurice that Basil had worked so hard he should have a vacation (he had a week at least this summer). I think H.L. gets his dope on Basil via his wife through Mrs. Andrews as Betty Cain visits them occasionally in Bronxville. What H.L. should do is insist Maurice take a vacation - he needs it more than Basil, I think.

Had a poker game for the Colonel tonight - Perk, Jake, Whitey Wilson, Gordon McDonald, Walt Scarborough, the Col. and I. Jake with his usual luck and ability, walked off with the money. Perk got a little of it and the Colonel won about 25ยข. The rest of us contributed - I $1.77. I asked Walt Scarborough at the last minute, a little doubtful if he would care about it, but he accepted eagerly and seemed to have a swell time. Maybelle is still away and apparently indefinitely. Jake was lucky as the devil, won the first pot when he arrived, bluffed the next one with nothing and won it, and from then on he drove the game hard - a little too hard I thought for a friendly game, but it was all within the laws of our game, so okay, I suppose. Jake is a born gambler. 

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