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it and make the most of all my blessings is my greatest desire.  For, as I have said many times before, I do have so much to be thankful for.  Bab and Rog to start with.  Who could ask for two brighter, more attractive youngsters.  I have Willie, a good, congenial, brilliant and attractive wife.  A nice home; not much money to be sure, but we are comfortable, lack very little.  We certainly do have all the essentials for happiness and who could ask for more.  A good job with a future in a great Company and a Company that does take care of its men far better than most. I have birth, breeding, taste, wide interests, youth, health, talent.  All I need to make it perfect is to get a good firm grip on myself and put to work all my assets.  I can and must and will.  Then life will be all it promises it can be.  With what I know of it from my past experience, I am certainly in position to put up a game that will carry me far toward that success in life that is every normal person's most cherished desire.  Let's go!  Let's take all this experience, talent, background and put it to work for us as never before!

Erie, Pa.
Friday, Nov. 25, 1938.
Our Dept. had to work today, the only one in the Erie Works, because the District Offices are open.  So we went to a quiet Bldg. 14, and had a rather languid day.  I busied myself with gathering up information for my trip to Boston next week, and begin to feel I am really getting my teeth into the small diesel-electrics.  I am confident that with a few campaigns behind me on these, I'll be qualified to challenge Jake's supremacy as the "big Diesel-Salesman" as Perk says.

Found out today that Wednesday, Greevenberg, the G.E. boiler turbine expert on the V.P., was badly burned when while in the boiler combustion chamber shooting trouble, some trapped gas ignited.  The flame was between Greevenberg and the manhole in the top of the boiler, his only exit.  Fearing some oil in the bottom of the combustion chamber would ignite, he made an exit through the flame, burning his hands and face badly.  He is in the hospital today and apparently will recover all right but the story goes that if Mosier, the B&W man had not been there at the moment to help him out, he wouldn't have got out as