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that recently when he shifted his work in Hanna's place to regular requisition engineering, his whole demeanor seemed to change. He was jollier, more human, sometimes actually the life of the party. Maybelle has always had a faculty of drawing the men to her. I've felt it and I know a lot of others who have. She has an intimate, seductive way with her, which coupled with her physical lure, is like a magnet. She needs the company of men and always has been having some sort of an innocent affair with somebody. At one time Walter Harris lost his head over her and tried to line up an affair of some sort but Maybelle was not attracted to him and it fell through, fortunately for Walt Harris, I think. (Barbara Reed at a party at Maybelle's one night, walked into the kitchen to find Walter Harris kissing her.) But in spite of Walt Scarborough's improvement, things have gone from bad to worse with them. For Maybelle finally became enamored of a man without scruples who I feel sure seduced her and is responsible for the present acute situation - Postelthwaite. His wife was Maybelle's intimate friend. When she died she left him completely footloose and free to pursue any affairs he liked, it being well known he was having them while his wife was still living. He was attracted by Maybelle quite naturally and she by him. He put on the pressure, and without much caution, they both strode into an affair that seems to have been the real thing this time. Whenever Walt was away, they would be together as much as his business let him. She would actually go to his house at night and stay for hours and he to hers. They would take long drives together to do God knows what or where. They carried the thing on so injuditiously that many of the neighbors began to watch them and suspect if not actually know what was going on. And yet, it seems to be the opinion of everyone that Walter has never suspected. I can't conceive of it but apparently it is so. This year Maybelle came into her money or at least the full income from it so she apparently is now financially independent. When this happened, evidently under the pressure of worry about the mess she had got into, she finally has left town indefinitely. She told Barbara she couldn't stand the situation any longer. All her days were filled with dread Walter would find out the situation, and worry

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