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En route to Boston,
Tuesday, November 29, 1938.
After being at home for over two months, here I am on my way to Boston to make a report on the B. & M. with Tom Sawyer, the first coordinated GE - Alco report since the "agreement." And also, I'm to get the Boston Office gang started on the small diesel-electrics. It is a trip offering many opportunities and I want to make it a 100% success - the best trip I ever made, both from a business and a personal point of view. I want to give the business angle all I have and personally I want to carry on a matchless game. I want to do all I can to sooth Mother, who has been terribly upset the last few days. I can do that by writing to her, by going to see Aunt Sally. When I get home, I think my absence and the imminence of the holidays will make things go better. I want to see Mother's unhappiness assuaged but I find it very difficult. Nevertheless, I believe by patience and unselfishness, I can do a lot in that direction myself, and I want to do it. So let's make this trip a success from every angle. It's a chance to prove I have the goods both professionally and personally. Let's make good! Let's know the profound satisfaction of realizing one is doing one's best. And I know my best will be good; I know it.

Heard an unconfirmed report today that one of the New Haven's 0361's derailed and six people were hurt. The details were lacking and I could find nothing about it in the evening paper so am a bit mystified. Supposed to have occurred near Grand Central.

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