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Boston, Mass.
Wednesday, Nov. 30, '38.
Got up at Springfield with the B&A riding pretty rough.  After breakfast, east of Worcester saw the path of the center of the hurricane clearly marked by the fallen trees, all pointing north.  Could picture it going on through Vermont and Shanty Shane and wondered how it fared.  Registered at the Parker House and then went to the office where the new secretary was holding forth entirely alone.  Goggin and Donovan were up at Concord on the B&M air conditioning with Charlie [[?Ouzel]].   So the secretary finally got hold of them up there and it was agreed I'd go to Concord and ride back with them, thus preventing the day from being a total loss.  I was quite taken with the secretary, a big girl, built along Maybelle's lines with beautiful legs, and a very intelligent and efficient girl to boot.  She informed me that since Neil and Roy Goggin had mounted the wagon, they usually came back to the office when they got in town around 4:30 and that they told her she was the only black mark on the office nowadays.  It sounded to me almost like an invitation; that is, "if you can't drink with them, you could with me."  So I was a bit surprised to learn she is married.  Just shows how silly a person can be when it comes to jumping at conclusions.  Well, I went up to North Station and got the 12:30 for Concord, N.H. arriving there at 2:20 just in time to hop off the train, shake hands with Roy, Neil and Larry Richardson of the B&M