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dinner and in he came from Dover, having covered his assignments in much less than the scheduled time. I guess he found as we did, that the small places are pretty simple unless you go into fine points, which in my opinion, isn't necessary, especially on the 6 wheel jobs. We spent the evening working in my room and talking things over.

I thought things over pretty well tonight and made up my mind to get a fresh start, once and for all give this game of mine all I have every conscious minute and then I'll get somewhere. So tonight I took a new lease on things and [[underlined]]am going to make a go of it this time[[/underlined]] the way I've always wanted to. Nothing is going to be too trivial to do the best way I know how. So I'm off this time to [[underlined]]a permanent game[[/underlined]] that meets all the requirements I know are necessary to happiness, satisfaction, contentment, a game that will bring me these things as I have never known them before. And I went to bed feeling 100% better and slept the sleep of the just as a result. There's nothing to equal such a game; if only we would believe in it - have faith in it, we'd never leave it for trivial things, worries, recrimination, petty living. To get going that way is like getting a beautiful view of blue sky through dark clouds. You feel happy, carefree, uplifted, a load taken from your shoulders. Life assumes real meaning and you look ahead along "a long white road, my feet to follow and my heart to hold."