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Ever since I left Erie, I have been troubled with indigestion of some sort.  As a matter of fact, I've had it ever since that violent attack I had no Nov. 19th, two days after the shrimp, steamed clams, lobster dinner with Ainlay, Ethel and Jake at the Eastern Shoreman's.  My only explanation is that something poisoned me at that dinner; sea food is volatile stuff sometimes.  In fact, I recall that one clam I had didn't taste just right.  Apparently, the purge I had on the 19th drove most of it out of me, but something is still in there.  I'm full of gas most of the time except when I wake up in the morning.  And yet I feel fine otherwise, look well, have lost no weight, complexion is better than usual.  But it keeps me feeling unnatural and just a bit worried all the time.  If I were home, I'd go to Dr. McC. and I think he'd straighten me out in a day or so.  As it is, I worry along, and the more I think about it, the harder it is to get rid of it.  It's becoming a regular obsession.  I really believe it goes back to that seafood dinner and I think what an ass I was that night.  I gained nothing from it, lost $7.00 shooting crap, and apparently picked up this.  And all because I was so anxious not to miss a trick I inwardly knew wasn't worth going after.  We learn by such experiences.