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New York City,
Thursday, Dec. 8, 1938.
Goggin, Donovan and I took the 10:00AM train for New York and the Railroad Club's "annual drunk" as some call it.  We talked business most of the way and didn't take a drink until about 5PM after we'd checked in at the Commodore.  In all, I think I had 5 highballs and was at all times sober as a judge.  The party was not too rough.  Mr. Keyes died yesterday (cancer) and that put a slight damper on the G.E. crowd.  But there was plenty of drinking.  I had dinner with Ed. Kelly, Phil Hatch, Bill Hamilton, Johnnie Waller, Bert Pero, and some others I hadn't met before.  The show was good but very long - lasted from about 9 to 11:30.  They had a good looking bunch of girls in it, and in particular, a strip teaser who certainly had a beautiful body and a teasing way of gradually showing it that left the place in a riot and Ed. Kelly about crazy.  I renewed contacts with a lot of people including Tom McDermott and Charlie Williams of the Lackawanna.  Charlie wasn't the man I saw at Concord the other day.  Charlie is on the wagon; they saw that several months ago, when drunk, he fell off a tram onto a station platform, rolled along and got onto the track someway and somebody pulled him off just in time to avoid being run over.  That evidently made him realize he'd have to quit and he has.