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him afterwards.  We had a good chat and I got better acquainted with him as Walter wants me to do.  Walter is pulling strings to make me an Alco-G.E. man like Rudy for this report work and wants to keep me away from the small diesels - says he told Andy he thought it was a waste of talent to have me on that.  I know if Maurice knew about it, he'd hit the ceiling fast.
When I was cleaned up at the hotel Jim Smith phoned from the lobby & invited me down to have a drink with him and Miss Jannon and Mrs. Soller, whom he had brought down from the funeral.  So I had a drink with them & we had dinner down in the cafe.  I had half planned to go to the opera tonight, but the dinner dragged out until about 9PM which shot that.  So I told Jim about my disability, he recommended a citrate of magnesia purge, and I went to my room where I took a bottle of it.  And it certainly cleaned me out during the night.
During dinner Jim remarked that Johnnie Waller hadn't looked well lately, but had claimed he felt 100% but had a "little indigestion" occasionally.  That got me worrying, of course, and led up to my telling Jim about myself.  Jim reassured me - told of a food poisoning affair of his that held on for two or three weeks before he finally shook it.  Harrison told me of a case of his that lasted 2 or 3 years.  So I guess I'll live through it but I don't like it.