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couples came in from the bar and danced.  But I really enjoyed the meal; I was hungry and it tasted good.  Went to the station shortly after 9 to get to bed early before they dragged her out at 1AM for Boston.  I sent Willie a reassuring wire before dinner.  Now as I write this, my guts seem a little agitated again, but not badly and I think after another good sleep I'll be coming back again strong tomorrow.

Boston, Mass.,
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1938.
Checked in at the Manger this morning and then went to the office to meet Roy Goggin for the trip to Ludlow today.  Finally had to chase out to Everett to an armory where Roy was working on a PWA job and from there we drove to Ludlow where we spent an hour with Hodgson the manager, and McDougall the engineer, and I think we have a good prospect there for a 23 ton after the first of the year.  Then we drove back to Boston, a round trip of about 180 miles for an hour's chat or less, but believe it was worth it.  On the way back, Roy said he told his wife he would bring me home for dinner if I had no other date and I was glad to accept.  But I got more than I bargained for because by chance, the Roggenkamps, old friends whom the Goggins haven't seen for several years, unexpectedly arrived from California and it was the occasion for celebration.  Roggenkamp is an ex-Louisvillian, about 43 and a Lt. Comm.