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Boston, Mass.,
Thursday, Dec. 15, '38.
We got our engine permits first thing and then Harrison took us to the hump where we had a chat with Billy Wright.  Billy retires Jan. 1st and says he's going to head for Montréal and Québec with his skates and just skate all he wants to.  Being age towards 70, I judge, it is an unusual program but he says he's always loved it and his wife is gone now, so he's just going to do exactly what appeals to him and that's it.

We spent quite a while in Tower 5 way up in the air over the yards, where Dick Fay, the towerman elucidated the operations to us and finally we rode the #641 out to the Coke Works and back with Engineer Bartholomus and crew, convincing us it is a 900HP job.  We got back to town at about 3PM, had a hurried session with Jack Tobin, et al. cleaning up odds and ends.  Tom and I had a final session in a taxi on route to back Bay Station where he caught the "Merchants", and I returned to grab some hump test data from Ernie Blors on the [[circled W]] 1600HP.  A good dinner, South Station, a non-air-conditioned Pullman, and finally to bed en route home, and glad of it.  I have been feeling better the exposure today (it was cold and windy) made my side ache a little more.  Nevertheless my morale has improved about 1000% since last Sunday.  Thank heaven, I stuck it out.