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So tonight I left for New York feeling rather bitter when I should go away on my trips with a light heart and thus be able to do my work better.  Willie drove me to the station and I caught the #6 as usual, but with an inevitably heavy heart.  It all depresses me.  Anyhow my pain has about disappeared.

New York, N.Y.
Monday, Dec. 19, 1938.
Went to the office but Walter Hedley is in Buffalo today, so got hold of Tom Sawyer and then went down there to confer on the B&M report data with Tom, Tim Murphy, & Otto Greenberg.  A few points came up where they wanted more dope, especially on the winter tonnage to the Coke Works at Boston, so I decided to go to Boston tonight, get the dope & be back Thursday by which time they should have mulled over the dope.

This evening Jay Waller took me to the G.E. Women's Club X-mas Party at the Capitol Hotel as all the office men there (sans wives).  There was plenty to drink and it was quite a hilarious affair.  Miss Hanson was especially affectionate with me (and with others) being slightly in her cups.  I had a good time.  The most significant remark of the evening came from Bert Pero while slightly under the influence is also: "Maybe I'm talking a little out of turn, but you know when all these changes we are hearing of in the G.E. organization take place, Craton maybe down here with us."  I link