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New York, N.Y.
Thursday, Dec. 22, '38.
Spent the day at 30 Church St. going over the B&M report dope with Murphy and Greenberg.  They had various additional pieces of information they wanted.  Some of it seemed okay to me and some seemed a little superfluous, but I didn't argue.  They're writing the report and I'll get them anything I can and they want.  So it means another trek to Mechanicville among other places that most of it I can get from Jack Tobin in Boston when I get back there after New Year's Day.  The whole thing made me a bit sensitive however; I wondered if they felt I had made a dud on my part of it etc. etc.  However, it's easier to look over a bunch of dope and think of additional information than to get 100% of the information yourself to begin with.  I've never seen a report yet where you didn't have to check up additional points later.  I have a tendency to feel that if I haven't done a perfect job, I've done a poor one.  That is rather silly.  There isn't one man in 100 who does a thing perfectly no matter what it is.  If he does it well above average, then he has nothing to be ashamed of.  I'm too sensitive, I guess.

Got a couple of phonograph records, a sapphire needle, a record book, had an early dinner, spent an hour in Grand Central Theater, caught the 8:15 and went to bed at about 9:30 for a good long nights sleep.  Four out of the last five nights on the sleeper.