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Erie, Pa.,
Friday, Dec. 23, '38.
Was home at 7:00AM and at work at 8:15 with the gang.  Maurice wanted to know when I'd be through in Boston because he has a three months job in the Pittsburgh territory for Joe Bryan making industrial diesel surveys, and wants me to do it.  I told him I had about the same job to do yet at Boston & thought Pittsburgh was Perk's job.  Maurice says Perk has some orders (Paulista, & the Mexican diesels and released) and he couldn't get away.  Told Maurice that Walter Hedley mentioned yesterday possibility of going to Houston the middle of January.  Maurice says Walter is "through" as far as I'm concerned; Rudy had to do all Alco's work from now on.  Kroner's wife is still ill and he can't go through with the southern survey yet.  So I don't know whether I'm afoot or horseback.  One thing seems apparent – there is going to be plenty of work to do.  I think if Maurice new of plans to get me into the N.Y. District organization, he'd hit the roof.  But, although Maurice talks a lot, Walter Hedley seems to get results.  Maurice said I couldn't go on the B&M but I went just same.  I'm banking more on Walter's program than Maurice's for the long pull.

Perk confided in me this noon that he had got into a rumpus and written to Mr. Swope.  It seems Perk had to charge of exhibits during the