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Union Pacific extravaganza last Monday and Tuesday when Messrs. Young, Swope, et al. were here and "Cash" invited him to the banquet Monday night, only to withdraw the invitation later on the pretext of its being confined to Elfun members.  Perk has four years felt the injustice of the Elfun idea and this brought it to a head.  He wrote to Swope, a five page letter, hearing all his views, reviewed it with "Cash" in a two hour secret session, and sent it.  Now he wonders what is going to happen.  I wonder too.  I wonder also whether Perk actually furthers his own interests by his pugnacious attitude.  I am inclined to think I have got more in the past few years than he, and by entirely different means.

I found Babbie home from school with a cold but thank heaven, her costs these days don't seem to attain the severity they used to.

Erie, Pa.
Saturday, Dec. 24, '38.
Today was a feverish one preparing for Christmas tomorrow.  I shopped in the morning and this afternoon, Rog and I set up and trimmed the tree.  This is the first year, we haven't done it after Rog retired and he believed Santa Claus did the job.  But this year, he insisted on helping, making no explanation and no reference to Santa Claus in this respect.  He has referred occasionally to Santa regarding presents, but somehow, the Santa myth seems to be dissolving slowly