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and easily and painlessly in his mind, without shock or disillusionment.

The Colonel was due in the evening at 9:18 but missed his Cincinnati connection and arrived as a result at 1:09AM.  We were busy until midnight with the presents, etc. and I went down to meet him.  Somehow, I always and glad to see him arrive – he's so jolly and I feel fully at home with him.  We repaired to the kitchen at 1:20AM with a quart of bourbon he dug out of his bag, had a drink, a chat and to bed about 1:45.

I was afraid it might be a rather hectic night as Bab had a hard time getting to sleep with her cough and Rog woke up at 11PM yelling bloody murder because his leg ached.  But Willie got them both soothed and they weren't heard from again.  Mother almost insisted on going to the hotel but I finally dissuaded her.  Willie and I sleeping in the big bed in the children's room, Bab on the day bed, and the Colonel and Rog in our room, Rog occupying his old bed in there, where he's been sleeping anyhow since I went away.  One of his favorite stunts is to "borrow" Willie's pillow and substitute his after he is left alone since he greatly prefers ours which are much fatter.  He is a great guy and affords us no end of entertainment these days.