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Erie, Pa.
Tuesday, Dec. 27, '38.
Went to the office today and took it rather easy, I haven't at the moment much office work to do.  Sent Roy Goggin a follow-up on Ludlow he asked for and composed most of a squib for the March Monogram to cover the month's G.E. calendar picture.

This evening the Colonel and I went to Perk's to a poker party - Perk, Kearns, Gouldy, Walt Scarborough, Colonel & I.  With an easy edge instilled by good dark beer and the thoroughly congenial company, it was a swell party.  Jake was not there because he wasn't invited;  Perk thought Jake ought to throw a party by this time, or not be asked by others and I'm inclined to agree although I would have invited him if I had had it.  There was an absence of that high pressure element without Jake, however, that made the thing a bit more pleasant, I thought.  Jake put on too much heat for a friendly game although he's not outside the rules in doing it.  The Colonel won about $2.00 and I lost 32ยข.  Poor old Gouldy as usual was a big contributor, and Earl Kearns slipped about $3.00.  But they're both good losers.  We got home at 1:30AM, and Bab was coughing.  She coughed until about 3:00AM, when Willie and I and Bab all went to sleep finally.

Had a terrific blizzard this evening, at its height as we came home from work, and Basil crashed a rear end when he couldn't stop on