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to see what happened tonight as Bab is very well during the day.  And tonight she got another coughing spell that lasted an hour and a half before she could finally get to sleep again so tomorrow she will get Dr. Gannon in on it.

Rog has been making a drive for some wood ever since he got his tool chest on X-mas so this afternoon I got him some white pine from Milloy's and by dinner time, Rog, the Colonel and I had fashioned a set of shelves for their room and Rog will paint it tomorrow, and then put it into immediate service for books ("only big, fat books") and toys.

I took today off as I still have about 8 "Mondays" coming this year and they are "gone" Dec. 31 whether accumulated or not.  So Willie and I took a drive to the Peninsula this afternoon to see the storm damage and from the second beach as far as you can see, the road is up to 2 ft. thick with ice, trees down or cast in ice - it looks like an arctic scene.  So I brought Willie home and then went back with the Filmo to shoot it.  The light was poor but I took a chance at f4 and am hoping for results.  If they are good, they will be choice to have.  Never before has the place looked quite as it did today.  I used Kodachrome and the cold grays and greens or water, ice and clouds should be very effective.