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Erie, Pa.,
Monday, January 2, 1939.
Today was one largely of preparation for the trip tomorrow. I am going to take the afternoon off so I can go to Syracuse with Mother and get her settled at the Onondaga before taking the sleeper for Albany tomorrow night from Syracuse. Today was a holiday, giving me time at home to get things in good shape. Mother seemed to feel better today finishing her packing and finishing also the typing of her story "The Clock" which finally she has consented to allow me to send to Uzzell for a criticism. I hope it is favorable, as it would then encourage her to go on with her writing, (which I think she has always had a flair for) and give her something to keep her occupied.

Listened to the Duke-U.S.C. Rose Bowl game which U.S.C. won in a story-book finish when a fourth string quarterback forward passed to a touchdown in the last minute, the Westerners winning 7 – 3. Uncle Robert went out to the game and if he survived it, his heart must be okay. Mother was tickled that Duke lost much to my surprise but now I think I see the reason – she's put out with the Buena Vista relatives. She said the reason was that Duke was "too cocky."

Willie and I went to the Luthers this evening for some bridge; mother didn't feel peppy enough to try it. I was caught as usual between the devil and the deep blue sea. If I agreed to go, I offended Mother; if I didn't I irritated Willie, who won't

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