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until the day I was there - an exaggeration. But Dave does seem to be a bit "chippy" and about Goggin too. Perhaps there's something to what Tom Sawyer told me that Dave has no use for Roy.
    Took the "Minute Man" to Greenfield - she broke a steam coupling and the last three cars including the 2 Pullmans got pretty chill before they stopped at Gardner and fixed it after about 15 minutes delay - no alligator wrench. Checked in at the "Mansion House"; would say of Civil War origin but it had a radio studio which I passed en route to my room & heard a "play" being given - it sounded pretty country style. Wrote a five page letter to Tom Sawyer, had a beer in a rather slovenly bar and went to bed, hoping for no bedbugs.

                               North Adams, Mass.
                           Friday, Jan. 6, 1939
When I awakened this morning, I could scarcely believe my ears were hearing a heavy rain, having supposed that up in these parts in January it hovered around or below zero. But it was pouring, and they were worrying about floods. 
    I must say the food at the Mansion House is okay. Had an excellent dinner last night and this morning, for 40 cts the following fine breakfast - orange juice, a piece of ham 6" in diameter, two eggs, toast, doughnut and coffee! At the Commodore it would have been $1.00 at least and not as good.
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