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about everything he could think of about the switching operation there. Then he personally took me on a walking inspection of a typical section of his territory, which proved to be sprawled out and very much industrial work and light except a heavy move about 6 PM making up the outgoing cars to be picked up by the Springfield job. The session started with me trying to sell Mr. Haggerty the diesel idea and ended with him apparently trying to sell the diesels to me when I seemed doubtful about the 43 ton's ability to do this heavy move satis- factorily (a G-11 does it normally.) He said he could split the drag if necessary. But Holyoke looks like an ideal spot for some kind of a diesel set-up, eliminating the enginehouse force of two men, and also the weekend-men to & from Springfield where the two steamers put up over Sunday. I left sure I could cook up some scheme that would be okay and feeling indebted to Mr. Haggerty and sorry I passed up the luncheon opportunity. I gave him a diary anyhow and he seemed pleased at that.
    Went back to Greenfield and in the hour I had between trains, walked about town and had some dinner. Saw a church that somehow looked Unitarian and sure enough it was and on the plaque it said, "Minister - Rev. Robert T. Raible." That is Willie's erstwhile Louisville friend who was at Shoals and got poison ivy bloat up there. Never having known him myself, I didn't contact
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