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headed for bigger and better things. He gave me a few good pointers and said an MU set-up at Holyoke looked all right. He then asked me if I had seen them hump at "Mickville" with [[under-lined]] no [/underlined]] engine. I told him I hadn't but saw no reason why it couldn't  be done. Well, he said they did it, but it had to be "timed" just right as they went over especially the last few cars; and I can believe it. He inquired about North Adams and when I mentioned the 20 car drag, he said, "But they don't handle all those at once." I told him they said they did. He only made a wry face as much as to say, "Why that bunch of --- !" So I worried even less about the 20 "Minute Men." Blake came in during our talk; it embarrassed me a bit as I had intended dropping in to see him before I left. I tried to smooth it over by telling him I stopped in yesterday to see him, and when I left, I stuck my head in his office to say "goodbye." So I think he felt all right about it but I felt a bit uneasy for a while.
    Fortified only by a ham sandwich and a milk shake I rode the local to Boston & got in at 9PM. I will say for the B&M, the one coach in the train was a nice, reconditioned, air-conditioned job and extremely pleasant. When I checked in at the Manger, the clerk asked if I wanted an "8" or "9" room (the corner, twin bed variety I had before) and I thought his memory very good. But I took one at $3.50 and had a good rest.
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