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enjoyed it immensely, and also acquired a headache in so doing. And then the train was knocked out by an engine failure, and we finally got out on the "Kennebunk Limited" at 6:30. Had a mediocre dinner on the train in what looked like a gay nineties diner which was draughty and chill, and finally got into Boston about 8 o'clock. Took a cab to the Parker House where I found a Shoe Convention in progress and had a hell of a time to get a room. At last wound up in the midst of shoe exhibits, had to convince a half dozen people I wasn't "Mr. Keefe," and finally got to bed, headachey and tired.

Boston, Mass.
Tuesday, Jan. 10,1939
Got to the office about 9 AM and had a characteristic time of waiting and waiting. Mrs. Knowles and Doc Millen were there but no Goggin or Donovan and they could not be found. Finally I went down to the B&M to try to accomplish something this morning as I had a date with Percy Riley, the Industrial Dept salesman to visit Koppers this afternoon. Got to the B&M about 11:15 AM and Jack was busy so got nothing more accomplished than to make a tentative date with Ernie Bloss for tomorrow night. Ernie was very cordial, the exact reverse of his attitude last Thursday, so I felt relieved.

Riley and I went out to Koppers, New England Coal and Coke, Massachusetts Gas Co, or New England Fuel and Transportation, whatever they call it and 

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Reviewed - last hyphenated word moved to next page as per instructions