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Industrial Dept. really isn't whole heartedly behind this diesel business. They have had since November to get a survey started and the letter to the salesmen hasn't gone out yet! It could have been written weeks ago and the survey nearly completed by this time.

I had heard Roy & the Industrial Dept. Manager lied about Riley's sensitiveness. I discovered why this afternoon. At least three times, all unintentionally I said something that caused him to make some defensive remark. Once I was trying to compliment him. I said, "I certainly admired the way you kept the conversation going there several times with Kroehl. I didn't know what to say next." Riley replied, "Well. I did my best not to interrupt you or butt in. I didn't mean to --" And then I had to assure him I appreciated what he did.

As Riley had another call to make, he dumped me off at Sullivan Square and I came back to the office. At 5 PM Roy proposed a scotch and soda so Neil Donovan, Stanley Thomas, Doc Willen, Roy and I repaired to a nearby bar and had a couple and were they potent! In the conviviality, Stanley proposed a blowout at his house next week some night so Lord knows what that will be.

Went to the hockey game tonight alone at the Garden - the Boston Bruins vs. Chicago Black Hawks, which the Bruins won 3 to 1. It was my first professional hockey game and it was a very exciting experience. They had a fight, pile-ups and all the trimmings. The two players who were fighting