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We met them at the Touraine. The first one to arrive was not the ex-showgirl but the "plain" sister and a nurse too. But when I saw her, I decided the showgirl would have to be pretty good to equal "Dotty Gee" (Dorothy Grant). She was medium height, and looked remarkably like Allene Skinner - not quite such a good figure as Allene but not bad. And soon, "Gee Gee" arrived (Gretchen Grant). She was more petite and her face was more delicate, but really the "plain" one to me was more attractive. 
"GeeGee" indeed had been in the show business - at the Paradise, Hollywood etc. in New York, etc. all over the country. Now she's in Filene's and rather unhappy to be at home again in Boston. I judged family restrictions and interference after so much roving and freedom were responsible.

We all went to the Mayfair, this time the best in Boston, a very mirrory, chromium plated place with a good orchestra. So we danced and really had a very excellent time of it. They had an A-1 floor show but during most of it, I found it more pleasant to look at "Dotty Gee's" profile, one of the most perfect I've ever seen, visible only from the bridge of the nose down, beneath a small hat tilted rakishly. I wondered how such an attractive girl could remain so long unmarried, for I imagine she is well into the thirties. And "Gee Gee" was cute and of course, a dream of a dancer. So all in all it made a very fine evening, from the Touraine on until we dropped them off from the taxi at their