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"young Craton" would be down to talk Biddeford costs over with him. And when I got there, Mr. Brown, another very pleasant gentleman, brought out a former Biddeford cost study and we discussed it briefly. Larry wants a draft of the report to discuss next Wednesday so I'll have to work the whole weekend and go like hell until Wednesday to do that and pick up all my loose ends including visits to Concord, Greenfield and maybe Dover. Figure by starting out of here on the 6 AM train Monday, I can hit Concord and Greenfield the same day and be back in Boston at 9 PM. So I've planned that and have everything scheduled.

At 6 PM, I found myself alone (as usual in Boston) and undecided where to eat dinner. So after much debating, I went over to the Statler, my first visit and found a magnificent hotel, backing the Parker House off the ways. Have always had a weakness for Statler cocktail lounges and so had a Cutty Sark and soda there, and then dinner in the main dining room, and learned how a seemingly innocent $1.10 dinner can build up to $3.00 painlessly and even then you don't have any dessert. But they had a good orchestra, and the place was pretty crowded - there was life and music and color to it. Nevertheless, I decided once again there is nothing as lonesome as a lonesome man in a crowd of people like that. I would have given anything to have been at home having dinner with Willie and the children, glitter go hang!