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Boston, Mass.
Saturday, Jan. 14, 1939
Didn't go outside of the hotel today from the time I arose until I retired at 11:30 PM and most of the time I was at work on the small diesel report. Called Corcoran and Ernie Bloss this morning for dope and they both fell down on me so just barged ahead sans information - can't do anything else. My only diversions were at meal time. Had lunch in the Coffee House and the good looking head waitress who resembles (I think) Alice Marble, came over to set my table, causing me to remove my elbow from the table and my chin from a comfortable placement on my fist. She leaned very close to me as she put down the silver and said, "It's a shame for me to disturb you like this when you look so comfortable." And I said very tritely, "You're not disturbing me," when I had a golden opportunity to answer, "You [[underlined]] are [/underlined]] disturbing me but not the way you think --only the heart." I thought of it just too late and kicked myself for the whole meal over the lost opportunity. Just before dinner, I knocked off and had a couple of Cutty Sarks in the cocktail lounge on the roof. The crowd up there was a cheering diversion after working all day alone in my room.

Called Bill Libby this morning and got him at last. Invited him and his new wife to dinner with me tonight but it turned out they were going out to her brothers. So he invited me out to buffet supper tomorrow night, which I was very glad to accept. Bill was as cordial and likeable as ever.