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Boston, Mass.
Sunday, Jan. 15,1939
Have been troubled for the last few days by a new boil right on the back of my scalp. It is sometimes a bit painful and a bother at night because I can't lie comfortable in bed. But I guess the best bet is to simply leave it alone. It isn't a large one fortunately.

My first act after breakfast was to call up Willie and found Bobbie and Roy both in school again and things going fairly well. Talked to the children too. The fact I was in Boston didn't seem to cause any wonder with them. That's modern youth. The call made me feel much better able to dig in and work steady until late afternoon, when I finished my draft as far as I could carry it, and got cleaned up for my visit to the Libbys.

Bill and his wife stopped for me about 6 PM and we drove to their apartment in Brookline. She is a buxom, pidgeon toed, friendly girl who would I think be quite pretty were it not for a very unhappy attack of exema which ruins her complexion. I felt terribly sorry for the poor youngster, to have such a thing during the very first months of her marriage particularly. She's all right, and Bill the same friendly, nervous talkative charming person as of old, but a bit stouter. Bill got busy on some Old Fashions and soon, the Leslies, a pleasant young pair in the downstairs apartment, he from Meadville and she from Philadelphia, came up, as well as Mrs. Libby's sister, an attractive, plump, jolly girl. and Hopkins, her boy attendant, he an amateur