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and finally graduated from M.I.T., "summa cum laude" - is a real wizard on rectifiers, and central station problems. Doc always impressed us as smart, but his clothes were always so "workman" looking somehow, I wondered if he was a college man. I should have expected Doc to be the non-college man and Neil the college grad somehow. Mrs. Knowles: This lady, as I suspected, is no ordinary stenographer. She's a college graduate, daughter of a vice-president of the New England Power Co., and wife of a Harvard graduate who's an ex-member of the Harvard varsity hockey team. She and her husband are both "kids" per Roy - about 24 years old. He's just beginning in the insurance business and she does this to make their budget balance.

I went back to the hotel to clean up for my date with Bill and his wife and Walt appeared also. We met in the lobby, Mrs. Libby looking very stylish in a dark green suit trimmed in fur and hat to match, and in the brief opening conversation it developed she had only today been to the doctor who had found out her allergy - to wool. So she was in high spirits. Kapok mattresses had to be substituted, etc. She had even taken samples of Bill's hair and finger nails to be checked with all the other things. So she suggested we have a drink before dinner (before she wasn't allowed to touch alcohol) and we repaired to the roof where we had a couple of potent Cutty Sarks and all got well acquainted