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Boston, Mass.
Thursday, Jan.19,1939
Roy got back from Concord about 10:30 AM and came up to the room. He called Larry and Larry was not back and hadn't been heard from. The rest of the morning we spent in the room, calling Larry periodically with no luck and calling various other people in between times, including McKenney at Springfield about Ludlow, which isn't ripe yet. Had lunch in Thompson's original Spa, and then went to the office. No Larry and after meeting the 3:00 PM from Washington with no success, we gave him up, repaired to the Tavern for three scotches and broke up for the day. Had dinner with Walt Scarborough and Doc Millen, a long, drawn out affair filled with discussion of film developing by Walt, and reminiscences of Ed Gallagher by Doc and me. To bed early after a chilly walk around the Hub; no Erie tonight.

During our sojourn at the office, Roy got going in good shape on various things, among them the B&M organization. It seems there are three groups. [[circled]] 1 [/circled]] the New England faction, headed by French, the president and including Rourke ^[[and Munster]] [[circled]] 2 [/circled]] the western faction, headed by Smith, V.P. and Genl.Mgr., and including Reid and Buckpritt and [[circled]] 3 [/circled]] the Pennsylvania faction, largely Larry Richardson, an ex-Pennsy man, Cornell grad and sponsored by the Pennsylvania Railroad which controls the B&M through the Penn-road Corp. It seems not long ago, Larry who is cordially hated by Dave Reid as a rival, was becoming "persona non grata" on the railroad and was being kicked around badly. Roy has long