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they had this up: HOTEL _ _SEX - also quite good.

When we came out of the Coconut Grove the other night we beheld a large neon sign as follows: BRADFORD HOT [[dotted]] EL [/dotted]] The E and L were flickering faintly, desperately to keep up appearances.

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Jan.21,1939
Willie and the children met me at the station this morning and it was certainly great to see them - all of them there - no invalids this time. Erie looked mighty good to me as we drove home. A party at the Harrises was all lined up for tonight, with cocktails at the Scarboroughs first. Heard some bad news too; Ruth Walker lost her baby and nearly died in the process, but is finally coming out of it all right. How well I recall Jay's happiness telling Jim Smith and me about the coming event at dinner that night last fall! Now, its over, and what a way!

Took the children to Frontier this afternoon to sled and ski. Bab finally made it all the way down the hill on skis without falling. The snow was heavy and wet, which prevented much speed fortunately, but she did well. And then Rog, who had been sliding exclusively, got on his skis, [[underlined]] at the top of the hill [/underlined]] and started down. And he got half way down the first time before sitting down. Before he finished, he made it almost to the bottom! Amazed me!