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job and he says there is nothing definite settled yet. He says it has narrowed down now from about 5 candidates to 3, and I'm still one of them. However, he said he gathered from remarks he heard when Andy was here last, that I am perhaps the least likely to be chosen. So, while it would be nice to be the ace man, there are distinct compensations to me not to be chosen and remain in Erie. Of course, if I'm not the man, it isn't necessarily a slap. I don't even know what the work is; it may be something someone else is better fitted for. If it is the contact job with the N.Y. Board of Transport-ation, I don't think I'd even want it under any circumstances. That's a political, hell raising, entertaining affair so I understand and certainly doesn't appeal. So time will tell, and in the meanwhile, we're going to scout around for homes and hope to hear something definite soon. Cash seems to think a selection will be made very shortly. I hope so because we want to get a house definitely. Baldwin has a For Rent sign out on us now, and we can't afford to wait too long or we may be stuck and forced to take something else we don't care for or something too expensive.

Babbie is better today, her fever down to 99 at the peak. Still has a slight sore throat but she's going to be all right. Had some Chinese checkers with Rog this evening; he's good!