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Erie, Pa.
Tuesday, Jan.24,1939
Willie and I went down to Baldwin's office this morning and were handled by Mr. King as George Sr. was home ill. We went out to see the house on Kahlewa across from Woodward's with a bedroom downstairs. King certainly knew next to nothing about the available property. Willie knew much more about these places than he. He said this house was $65.00, and later decided he had it mixed up with the house next door and would have to check with George Sr. So we don't know what the place costs and are still somewhat up in the air. But if we can get this house for $65 or perhaps a peak of $70, and I can get some sort of assurance from "Cash," I'll sign the lease and get this thing cleaned up.

Worked all day on the report and it is shaping up in good style I think. Perk and I walked over in the shop for a few minutes to see the 43 ton, 300HP, 4 axle job being assembled and it looks well. Perk told me Jake was in the doghouse recently because when he gave his talk at the Short Line Convention, he gave all the prices of the locomotives as well as a lot of other rather unbusinesslike remarks, which are now written up and [[underlined]] printed [/underlined]] in the proceedings of the convention. From conversation over the phone today I believe Jake's in a jam on the 50 ton demonstrator as Bethlehem Steel want to drag 20,000 lb. tractive effort for 16 minutes - too much. However, Jake got the 2 43 tonners for Port Everglades