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Rog's straps. I had no skates with me, taking the movie camera for some shots, and I could barely navigate in the wind, which just caught Rog and carried him before it until he fell down. A couple of men with skate sails zipped over the ice at breakneck speed, hard to control. It was thawing and slushy near the shore, and as usual these days, dark and sombre, mostly gray everywhere you looked. At the risk of busting the camera, we clambered around on the lake ice, too, piled 20 ft. above the water level in spots.

Willie is worried about Bab who doesn't have much appetite and, Willie thinks, looks badly. I must admit the appetite part, but I don't think  she looks badly and her weight has not fallen off more than a pound since she was ill last week. I'm not worried. She's finally taking regularly the Irradol A Dr. Garrison recommended. and I think I think that will speed her up.

Got busy this evening and at last produced the cartoon Felix Korn has been after me for for months, a father and son, the former looking at a lady of easy virtue and the latter at a steam shovel- and a French joke I can't appreciate. Believe Felix wants to read it to France as an illustration of the joke, and at last I felt so grateful to Felix over the AIEE I sat down and did it. And I was surprised what a good job I could do after years of not drawing anything to speak of.