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The Ford job is looking more promising at the moment and I am almost inclined to think we'll get it anyhow when all the smoke blows away. I think they want duplicates and all this is a smoke screen to get our price down. "Doc" is getting a good dose of "Dike" Harvey's verbose letters these days. and Maurice is answering them for Doc just about as verbosely.

Erie, Pa.
Tuesday , Jan. 31, '39
My observations yesterday on the Ford job were well timed. Today we received an order for 3 locomotives, duplicates of those furnished in 1937, but not until Andrews cut the price from $95,800 each to $93,300 each. As far as we know, they are buying no others now although the proposition was for six units. So the good job we did in 1937 bears good fruit! This order will be a big help to the shop right now.

Heard bad news of Ruth Walker today. She's in the hospital, yet, and now has pneumonia. They summoned "Peg" Johnson down there again so it appears they are badly worried about her once more. I thought she was out of the woods. They say she has had several transfusions- before the pneumonia set in.

Barbara and Charlie Reed came in this evening for ping-pong session and we had a great time winding up with the new Victrola records. It is good to be home and have small parties like this again, after the long siege in the Bean City.