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Erie. Penna.
Wednesday, Feb.1,1939
My report was published today and I am much tickled with it - really think it is a credit to me. And now to campaign for those 4 - 43 tonners. Ernie Bloss and Neil Donovan will be here Friday to see the 43 ton demonstrator, which went to test today. Andrews will be here tomorrow to check the report (among other things).

Jake is in Bethlehem today trying to straighten out the misapplication of the 50 ton Bethlehem Steel demonstrator - 20000 lb. tractive effort for 16 minutes when it is good for 6 minutes! And the locomotive is on the assembly floor!

Got Mother's Federal income tax return signed today after some dickering with the most addlepated clerk in a Gov't office I ever contacted. He claimed [[underlined]] she [/underlined]] had to sign it regardless of Power of Attorney.

Mother had a near bad fall Saturday out at Cousin Guy Barber's when walking down the front steps. They caught her but she wrenched a muscle in her chest someway in trying to catch herself and has been in some pain from it. However she says it is improving so I don't believe it is anything serious. Mother has been "dated up" almost steadily since arriving in Syracuse and is really having just the sort of time she needs after the long isolation here, and I am certainly very glad about it being that way.