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Erie, Pa., 
Monday, Feb. 6, 1939.
Doc Gillilam came in this morning and reported on his trip to Detroit last week to get the Ford changes straightened out. "Kellogg says," per Doc, "I want that pilot smoothed up. Where's Craton? He could make a job out of it. Where's that fellow, Craton?" I don't think Doc was kidding me; he might have been. But from what H.L. said, I would guess he wasn't. Naturally, it gave me that pleasant feeling.

Dove into Jake's stuff this morning and flailed away at it all day, a rather hectic  day with telegrams coming in about stuff I knew nothing of until I checked them over and Jake's papers are inclined to be rather sketchy sometimes.

Had my first sore throat in some months tonight and went after it hot and heavy tonight before retiring.

Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1939
I think I knocked the cold out last night, as it was gone this morning. Bab's ankle was  slightly infected from a skate bruise and Rog had the sniffles, so they both stayed home from school. Bab's ankle much better tonight.

A heavy day again battling Jake's stuff but I'm glad to have it as it is keeping me busy and I find it rather interesting and satisfactory to take over a job and smooth and straighten it out.

Tomorrow, the "gang" is going to see "I'd