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the Hannas on and off and is a regular bum, drinking copiously and disappearing periodically for benders all over the country. He's in the 70's or maybe 80. And Mrs. Hanna is a rabid Dry, and it nearly slays her. It is a new one to me and choice.

Erie, Pa.
Thursday, Feb.9,1939
Wrote a 6 page report on a diesel-electric for Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. at Helena, Ark. - one of Jake's jobs - today. Dictated it to the Ediphone and sent it to McElwee at Memphis tonight. And Perk and I have decided the 43 ton demonstrator is no good as is - too noisy in the cab and sluggish building up. So we've got Maurice agitated to get Spike going to fix it up. Thank heaven, Ernie didn't blow up. He's due now the middle of the month on the 50 ton job.

Wound up my cartoon finally and am going to be nuts enough to send it to Collins and see what happens. It is a cood idea and the cartoon isn't too bad, but of course, I imagine it has about 1 chance in 100. They might offer to take the idea anyhow. It'll be interesting to see what develops.

Got Babbie at dancing school and she was the prettiest thing! She gets better and better. Goes to her first party tomorrow night - dance - at the Nicks.