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Erie, Pa.
Sunday, Feb.12,1939.
Finished up my new cartoon today in record time and it has the most nearly professional appearance of anything I've done yet. Off she goes on the rounds. I'm wondering though if this is going to be another parade of rejection slips like the short story campaign. The beauty of this is, I can turn out at least one a week against one story every couple of months at best, so my chances are better just from quantity. We shall see.

Bab and Rog are both on the sick list today with colds, neither badly off but enough to keep them in bed to keep them quiet. Bab went to her first dance Friday evening at the Vicks - about the whole dancing class went I guess. And she was much thrilled about it. Harriet Collins took her over, and Master Collins came up to the door for her, too cute to beat! And Bab did look adorable with a pretty dress, white socks and black pumps and bows in her hair. I think she's going to be a honey as she develops.

Young Baldwin assured me yesterday that they would have the house ready a week before April 1st. and not to worry about it so I'm going to stop, and I hope Willie will too. They haven't done anything to it since we signed the lease and there isn't a brick up yet so when they do start, they're going to have to hurry. But I guess they can if they have to.